~ We are talking about fashion sharing and ECODICTA ~
Did you know that more than 100,000 million fast-fashion garments are manufactured every year? That is equivalent to about 60 million tons of clothing and accessories. On average, a person uses a garment only 7 times before throwing it away. Fast-fashion , based on trends, designs ephemeral garments, as if they were to be “used and thrown away”. We, within the world of slow fashion , bet on quality models that will last forever in your closet and that can be used day after day. But, we can still do more and that is why we are betting on fashion sharing .
Fashion sharing started at all of us; when we went out with our friends and said that "we had nothing to wear" and we changed clothes between us, when you inherited your older sisters' clothes or when you wanted to rescue your mother's jeans from the 90s.
But now this concept has grown even more. Fashion sharing is a circular wardrobe , which, through rental, seeks to extend the useful life of the garments as much as possible and, therefore, encourages a more ethical and sustainable movement. Did you know that at POEMS we are part of a circular closet? We tell you everything about ECODICTA .

We have been collaborating with ECODICTA for two years and we are still in love with their project. They have created an infinite and circular closet, to lengthen the life cycle of each garment. Its system is based on a monthly subscription , in which you receive different items every 30 days, and after that period, you can decide whether to repeat, return or buy.
It's as easy as a swap with friends, but managed by professional stylists! In their boxes you can also find POEMS garments, close, ethical and very comfortable. What are you waiting for?
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