MOLT TACTE : is a chain of outlet stores focused on promoting health
mental of everyone they work with.
They collaborate with the Inditex for & from project to be able to offer a wide variety of
products in their stores.
You can find the previous P·O·E·M·S collections in the store
multi-brand of Manresa
CIPO : is a non-profit social enterprise that, since 1968,
works for the improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities intellectual and/or mental illness and their families,
generating supports and opportunities for development
of each person's life project.

WASHABY : Washaby was born with two very clear objectives, to make your life easier and take care of the Planet and those who inhabit it . They have worked so that washing is not synonymous with dirtying, dirtying the Planet, the seas, the rivers, your skin, the animals and your clothes. With all POEMS orders, you will receive a Washaby detergent sample!
RECOVO : is a fabric resale platform where the brands buy and sell fabrics stock from past collections.
They work to fight against textile waste and promote the circularity of the
fashion industry. with your project extend the life cycle of fabrics,
reduce environmental impact and help brands convert
profit surpluses.
Be attentive to their website if you like the prints of the
our collections.