POEMS at the REC.0: Style Km0, weaving an ethic and sustainable future
Searches an alternative that combine style, sustainability and ethic at each piece? Of the 6 at the 9 of November, of 10h at 21h, invite you at discovering our bestsellers of the past year with until a 60% of discount at #the Rec.0 of Igualada. It connects with a conscious style, at which each piece has an own history and contributes at a more sustainable world.
The revive of the local production: Redefining the proximity of the style
At an era where the big multinationals and the fast fashion master the market, arises with force a new vision: the outfit Km 0. At POEMS think at the power of the local production like a mode for revalorizing the process artisanal and maintain alive the kens of our community. Cadascuna of our pieces is fruit of the collaboration with manufacturers of proximity, many of them with years of experience at the textile industry. This proximity permits us have a thorough control on each phase of the production, guaranteeing the quality that so much value and reducing significantly the print of carbon.
Fashion locally implies something more that geographic proximity; it means to connect directly with the stem of the production and assure us that each process respects the values of ambient sustainability and respect for the resources. Besides, at each season seek to create collections based on natural fibers like the cotton and the viscose, limiting the use of synthetic materials. We feel proud to work with dyeing at piece, a technician that contributes an only nature at each piece and facilitates to adjust of the production at function of the demand, reducing the waste.
Hardening the local economies: A positive impact at your community
At opting for the proximity trade, second directly the economics of our community and promote a circular economic model that benefits at all. The workshops and factories with which collaborate are situated at the area of the Barcelona, which thing no only contributes at hardening the local economies, but that also permits us maintain a next account and of confidence with our fellows of production.
This approach of local craftsmanship has a deep impact at the community. No only it generates occupancies, but that also preserves technicians and traditional kens, giving them a new value at the modern era. Each piece that produce at POEMS represents a betrothal with our community and with the environment. We want to that our customers hear that, at electing sustainable outfit of Barcelona, are electing pieces with values, pieces that promote the responsible consumption and an ethic style.
The ethic at the chain of supply: Transparency and responsibility
At POEMS consider that the chain of supply has to be as transparent how ethic. Since the election of the materials until the fabrication and the clothing ink, work at a model of transparency that permits at our customers meet and comprise all the process behind his pieces. The outfit Km0 no only is a fashionable alternative, but a betrothal with the ambient sustainability and the social responsibility.
At the being a little mark and of proximity, have the advantage to meet closely each step of the production. This control no only guarantees that our pieces are of tall quality, but that also reinforces our betrothal with a clean style, ethic and free of abuses at the environments of work. At a market that often governs for the rapidity and the cut of costs, plead for a style where the quality and the ethic prevail.
This slow fashion is, besides, a stake for the conscious consumption: our pieces are thought to have a long useful life, comfortable being and temporal, so that each one of them can accompany you at distinct stages of your life without missing importance.
Style Km 0 at the Rec.0: The opportunity of a conscious consumption
This November, at the Rec.0 of Igualada, will the opportunity to meet and acquire pieces of proximity of previous collections at special prices. During these four days, the outfit Km0 of POEMS will be available with discounts of until the 60%, an only opportunity to incorporate pieces of quality, produced locally, and aligned with the values of ambient and ethic sustainability that defend.

We want to that each customer can enjoy of the style since a conscious and responsible approach. We bet for the responsible consumption, that permits for each person elect pieces that really contribute value, made of materials of tall quality and with ethic processes at his creation. This model of production no only benefits at who dress it, but that also furthers a positive change at the community and the environment.
At POEMS are engaged to track a path to a style that respect so much at the persons how at the planet. So, if you are seeking ethic and sustainable style, expect you of the 6 at the 9 of November at #the Rec.0 of Igualada. It discovers the positive impact of the style Km 0 and forms part of the change to a more ethic future and sustainable!