~ We analyze the responses of the 8M surveys ~

Two months ago today, at P·O·E·M·S we carried out a survey for Women's Day with the intention of making the feminist community that works every day to achieve a more egalitarian.
On our Instagram ( @poems_bcn ) we published some of the responses during Women's Week, but we want to reanalyze them and talk about them, because every day should be feminist .
Half of the women surveyed were between the ages of 25 and 35, but women of all ages also responded to the survey. In the first question, How would you like to be defined?, we received as many different answers as we surveyed, that can only tell us one thing: stereotypes do not exist and we cannot all get "in the same box".

What book, movie or series would you recommend for beginning feminists? We had a huge amount of amazing recommendations, some of our favorites are: The Handmaid's Tale, Little Miss Sunshine, Fleabag, and Angela Davis' autobiography. If you dare to read, see or devour any of their proposals, share it with us on Instagram and tag us!

The answers to the question " What would you ask for this March 8?" There are so many, so different and so important, each and every one of them, that we have made a compilation:

How can we get other people to wear the Violet Glasses? The most common response in all of them was education . Giving visibility, dialoguing, participating and debating. " I think it is very important that visibility is given so that everyone can understand it, with a lot of participation in culture (series, movies, books...) sending powerful messages about all the inequalities that are there and we don't see until they we put on purple glasses." Maria told us.

After the summary, we leave you with the last question (and perhaps the most important):

A message to the next generation of women...

You have power. You can. Trust yourselves. Don't miss a single one. You don't have to be perfect, you have to be authentic. You are not alone, do not be afraid.

Lots of little women, in little places, doing little things, can change the world. Don't give up! You can achieve everything you set your mind to, fight to achieve it. Inside you you have everything you need to be free and happy.

Let's not take a step back. For me, for you and for all women. Be what you want to be!